With school campuses closing due to the COVID-19 outbreak, teachers are having to adapt quickly to new methods of teaching. They are scrambling for tools and resources to help them maintain student engagement in their learning targets.
HOWARDedu can help you and your teachers with Virtual Professional Learning. It’s designed to supply you with the tools, resources, and best practices that enable you to make the most of distance learning opportunities while students are not physically in the classroom.
Whether you’re deciding how best to prepare for teaching online, creating a blended learning environment (virtual face-to-face and an online classroom), or supporting teachers with resources they can use in their virtual environment, HOWARDedu can support your teachers through Virtual Professional Learning Opportunities.
To that end, our Virtual PD can help in the following ways:
- While there are massive amounts of resources, tools and videos for teachers to review and watch, they often have specific questions about transitioning to virtual learning. For example, teachers might need ideas on specific ways to give assignments in Google Classroom. That’s where we can help. We can guide teachers in virtual face-to-face professional learning through the process, share best practices and etiquette with them - while showing them how to do these things live via virtual face-to-face professional learning.
- This offering is especially appealing to small districts and private schools who may have a only one or two who work in technology and are overwhelmed with trying to support teachers in going virtual.
- Potentially teachers are looking to moving their ‘paper and pencil’ work to a virtual environment. We can support teachers, give them tools and ideas on how to shift their instructional design to a virtual environment.
- While broadband Internet is an issue for many districts/schools (especially in rural areas), we can share how students can work off-line on a chrome book and then when they do have Internet access, can upload their work back to Google Classroom for example.