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With GoGuardian, you have precise unprecedented granular control over which videos are viewable, creating a safe viewing environment for your students. You can also flag specific searches or behaviors that might be harmful, and take appropriate action when needed thanks to instant e-mail alerts. The Internet is always on - your filtering software should be, too. GoGuardian protects your students (and your devices) around the clock - both inside and outside the classroom.
Advanced YouTube filter YouTube can be a great teaching resource, so it's a shame that many schools are forced to block the whole site simply for lack of a better filter. With GoGuardian, you have precise unprecedented granular control over which videos are viewable, creating a safe viewing environment for your students.
Customized flagged activity Marks questionable content for review without the need to blacklist entire sites. You can also flag specific searches or behaviors that might be harmful, and take appropriate action when needed thanks to instant e-mail alerts.
Theft Recovery Find out what happened to those missing devices with just a few clicks. Once activated, GoGuardian Theft Recovery will provide vital information for fast recovery or reporting to authorities.
Constant protection The Internet is always on - your filtering software should be, too. GoGuardian protects your students (and your devices) around the clock - both inside and outside the classroom.