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(888) 912-3151
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Online & appliance based services - content filtering
Product Type:
Subscription license - 1 year
License Qty:
1 license
License Pricing:
Volume / 1500-9999 licenses
Identify students in need of help With active planning alerts occurring in Search, it is critical to have a solution that can spot warning signs wherever the student is online. Unlike other solutions that only focus on G-Suite or Office 365, Beacon works across search engines, chat, social media, e-mail, web apps, and more.
Receive alerts with context Beacon alerts provide robust context around an event, helping you determine what caused an alert and how to take action. Alerts include screenshots, the phase of ideation, historical activity, and highlighted text.
Activate the right responders Beacon's robust and flexible alerting system can bring in the right school responders, help notify parents after hours, and even provide students directly with resources.
Designed alongside mental health experts Beacon was designed with the guidance of experts in mental health to ensure that it fits seamlessly into your school or district's suicide prevention policy.
Creates an alert when it detects concerning activity When at-risk behavior is detected, Beacon packages insights and creates an alert with specific details about the activity.
Notifies the right people, including staff, parents, and the student Beacon notifies staff and escalates alerts until action is taken. Parents can be alerted after hours, and the student can be messaged directly with critical resources.
Ensures actions taken are visible and trackable Beacon helps educators track activity relating to each alert, including what actions were taken and what needs to happen next.