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Eliminate unwanted distractions Unlock the potential of educational tools like YouTube, and set digital guidelines for students to follow. GoGuardian's flexible YouTube filtering options allow you to curate your school policies to block comments, keywords, and live chat, as well as entire video categories.
Simple UI, complex tasks Protect even the most demanding K-12 environments.
Manage every user on your network GoGuardian's flexible filtering solution makes it easy to manage all of your users, regardless of device type, operating system, or browser, including BYOD and guest network devices.
Create and apply policies to any environment No matter how complicated your environment, GoGuardian Admin enables you to easily set up and apply your filtering policies to any situation and manage them from a single unified interface.
Identify students who are most at risk Start identifying students who are most at risk of suicide. Beacon Starter uses advanced machine learning to monitor content on school-issued devices, and it provides schools with alerts of the most serious phase of suicide intent: Active Planning.
Quickly access insights on student activity Stay on top of current trends so you spend less time deciphering details and more time taking action on relevant issues. GoGuardian's intuitive reports provide insights on student browsing, making it easy to obtain the data you need.
Give parents direct access to student data Share a student's online activity directly with their parent or guardian through GoGuardian's dedicated parent reporting app, eliminating the need for you to manually share student activity reports.