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(888) 912-3151
Absolute Resilience - For Masterpiece International Ltd. - subscription license (4 months)
Security applications - security management, confidential data control
Product Type:
Subscription license - 4 months
Target Company:
Masterpiece International Ltd.
License Qty:
1 license
Make your apps indestructible Extend Absolute Persistence to your mission-critical apps, granting them the power to heal and reinstall themselves whenever they're disabled, altered, or uninstalled.
Know when sensitive data is at risk Scan your endpoints for sensitive data like financial information, social security numbers, PHI, and intellectual property. Know when it's on an unsecure device, even off-network.
Control your devices remotely and at scale Query and remediate your whole device fleet to gather precise contextual insights. Address dark endpoints, ransomware attacks, and other vulnerabilities with automation and custom or pre-built workflows.
Call in the specialists when devices go missing Let the Absolute Investigations team lead the search for your lost or stolen devices. They'll pair up with local law enforcement to recover your hardware.